Telecon has recently sponsored the #Equitalks event with the theme of Transforming division into dialogue, held in Montreal on February 15th. Our participation and sponsorship of this event underscores our commitment to promoting diversity and fostering inclusive dialogue, particularly on issues affecting women and marginalized communities.

This event was chaired by André Beaulieu, Bell’s Senior Vice-President, Corporate Services, and organized by Equitas, an organization whose mission is to advance equality, social justice and respect for human dignity globally.

During the event, a diverse panel of human rights advocates debated issues on human rights and how they divide society. Many inequalities rooted in issues such as religion, sexism, racism, sexual identity, and youth rights were discussed.

A few key takeaways:
- Human rights are not always a given, they are often undermined in countries around the world, including in Canada;
- Fostering dialogue is more crucial than ever to build an inclusive society, especially during this time of growing polarization and contentious debates over human rights ;
- Educating and advocating for human rights is pivotal in equipping individuals with the knowledge, mindset and attitudes needed to drive positive change and combat bias and injustice;
- Celebrating differences and building a more diverse, fair and respectful world grounded in human rights principles is a shared responsibility. It takes efforts from corporate citizens and individuals in addition to those from egovernments and NGOs;
- Setting up efficient ways to speak out against human rights violations and ensuring accountability and reparation is instrumental not only for our societies but also for organizations;
- Cultivating open-mindedness and promoting respectful communication involving active listening and respectfully agreeing to disagree, are essential for transforming division into dialogue and creating environments where everyone can succeed.